How Sea Level Rise will Affect Different Cities
It's easy to say that the changes in sea level worldwide due to global warming will affect every city in the same way, but that's not necessarily the case--because different parts of each ice sheet will melt into different parts of the global ocean, every city will be affected differently by sea level rise. That can be an important thing to take into account when planning out cities. A November 2017 study in the journal Science Advances titled " Should coastal planners have concern over where land ice is melting? " discusses models of how different cities will be affected. There's a lot of good information in there that could potentially aid you in developing policy for coastal planning. The study looks at sea level rise from the two big ice sheets: the Greenland Ice Sheet and the Antarctic Ice Sheet--both contain more than 99% of the world's fresh water . For a simulation using the models in the study, you can go to this NASA tool: https://vesl.jpl.nas...